


This document describes some general guidelines for GMS code, they aren't enforced strictly but should be understood as suggestions.

Naming of template parameters

  • CGraph: CSRGraph-like API, default to CSRGraph.
  • SGraph: SetGraph API, default to RoaringGraph.
  • AnyGraph: Code which is generic over both CGraph and SGraph.

Return values

In general: Return only numeric/simple values, assign complex objects to output arguments.

  • Why: If the output type becomes generic (e.g. to allow for std::vector and pvector), then this can save you one more explicit type parameter when invoking the function. In the non-templated case it can also make overloading easier.
  • Exception: Where it would be a lot more inconvenient to return the object, i.e. mainly helper functions.

Include paths

When including files use relative includes for files in the same directory, descendant directories, or ancestor directories if they correspond to the same algorithm.

Otherwise, start your include with the gms directory, e.g.

#include <gms/algorithms/preprocessing/preprocessing.h>


Place your implementation in a subnamespace of GMS. If you separate several versions, then create further subnamespaces of your namespace, e.g

namespace GMS::MyAlgo {
namespace Seq {}
namespace Par {}
namespace Verify {}