
Getting Started

Getting Started

*   Git >= 3.8
*   Cmake >= 3.8
*   GCC >= 8.3


git clone
cd gms
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j4

To run a benchmark with a graph read from a file input:

bin/maximal_clique_enum_bron_kerbosch -f mygraph.el

To run a benchmark with a generated graph:

bin/maximal_clique_enum_bron_kerbosch -g uniform 10

Project structure

The repository is structured as follows:

  • gms
    • algorithms: Algorithm implementations and benchmarks
      • preprocessing: Vertex ordering implementations, which can be used as preprocessing for other algorithms
      • non_set_based: Algorithms implemented with a non set-based approach, i.e. CGraph generic code
        • coloring: Implementations of various graph coloring algorithms
        • k_clique_list: Implementation of k-clique listing algorithm of Danisch et al.
        • subgraphiso: Implementation of Glasgow and VF2 subgraph isomorphism algorithms
      • set_based: Algorithms implemented with a set-based approach, i.e. SGraph generic code
        • k_clique_count: Simple unoptimized version of clique counting, that is implemented with sets
        • k_clique_star_list: Implementation of k-clique-star listing
        • link_prediction: Vertex similarity based link prediction, and robust methods to assess its performance
        • maximal_clique_enum: Implementation of Bron-Kerbosch algorithm and extensions
        • triangle_count: Set-based triangle counting
        • vertex_similarity: Implementations of vertex similarity functions
    • common: Functionality intended to be reused across GMS providing essential benchmark infrastructure
    • representations
      • graphs: Graph representations
        • coders: Graph neighborhood encoders and decoders for composable compression
        • permuters: Graph neighborhood permuters that can be applied to neighborhoods prior to computation
      • sets: Set representations and operations
    • third_party: Several third-party libraries, see top-level README for more information
  • examples: Examples accompanying the documentation
  • testing: Unit tests
  • scripts: Some simple postprocessing scripts, written in Bash and Python


Here and in the rest of the documentation we refer to the path of the Git repository as $REPO.

  • Create a build directory:
    $ mkdir $REPO/build && cd $REPO/build
  • Generate the Makefile:
    $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  • for the debugging build, which is recommended during development since it enables compiler sanitizers and bounds checking (in some places), change Release to Debug
  • Build the code: $ make -j4 (where 4 is the number of threads to build the code)
  • You will now find the benchmark binaries in a subdirectory bin of the current build directory. Unittests are compiled to tests.

Individual make targets for the modules are created to facilitate faster development.

For debugging builds it's recommended to also install libasan and libusan if they aren't already part of your installation. (Installed by default on Debian-based distributions.) Set the debug flag DEBUG_WITH_SANITIZERS=ON to enable compilation with sanitizers in debug builds.

GAPBS benchmarks with graph compression

To build the original GAPBS benchmarks with compressed graphs, enable the CMake option BUILD_GAPBS_BENCHMARKS and build the project. The binaries corresponding to various combinations will be placed in a subdirectory called gapbs. Note that at this time they use the GAPBS CLI, use -h for more information on usage.

Running a benchmark

After building you can find the various benchmark binaries in the directory $REPO/build/bin, and the tests in $REPO/build/tests respectively. Some benchmarks come with additional benchmark-specific parameters, to see the full usage information invoke the relevant binary with the -h (or --help) argument.

Arguments and parameters

In general you can control the

  • number of trials per instance -n, --num-trials,
  • number of threads -t, --threads,
  • and whether to run a verifier -v, --verify.

To specify the input graph you can either load one from a file using --file, or invoke a generator with --generator.

In addition some benchmarks allow for additional benchmark-specific parameters, these can be specified with the -p, --param flag, for example

./bin/k_clique_list_danisch_edge_parallel -p clique-size=5 -g uniform 10

would run with a clique-size of 5 and a uniform generated graph of size 210.

Generators and file formats

GMS uses graph I/O functionality from the GAPBS project. This means the following input formats are currently supported, identified by the file extension:

  • .el: Edge list, each line contains two space-separated vertex IDs.
  • .wel
  • .gr:
  • .graph: Metis
  • .mtx: MTX

For .el and .wel vertex IDs are kept as-is, and it's expected that they are {0, …, N-1}. For .gr, .graph, .mtx the numeration is changed from {1, …, N} to {0, …, N-1}.

Currently the following generators are available:

  • uniform: Generates 2scale uniform graph
  • kronecker: Generates 2scale Kronecker/R-MAT graph